• L., Short Wave License & Health

    We are incredibly grateful for all your prayers – thank you very much.

    The situation with L. continues to improve. I spent some time with L. this week and he continues to seek what lessons God has for him in this situation. Today (Nov 5, 2009) is a court hearing that L. is required to attend to insure that all the insurance paperwork is in order. L. and the team have worked diligently to insure all L.’s paperwork is in order so this hearing should be more of a formality for L.. The only concern is that the family of the man who was killed does not have all their paperwork ready. Pray that this does not create additional proceedings for L..

    HAAC (the agency that issues broadcast licenses in Benin) has requested additional information concerning our shortwave application. Much of what is requested is clarification on international shortwave procedures, which can be a very confusing topic as multiple international organizations (UN, ITU, HFCC, etc…) and governments are involved. Pray for wisdom as we prepare our responses, pray for HAAC to clearly understand all the complexities of international shortwave broadcasts and pray that TWR finds favor with HAAC.

    Last week I did not feel well. This week I am feeling much better, but the doctor would still like for me to get some further tests during my next trip to South Africa mid November. I would appreciate your prayers for my health.

    Lastly, next week our family will go to Togo for a Spiritual Life Conference. Please pray this will be a time of spiritual refreshment.

    Many thanks for your prayers.

    Grace & Peace — Paul

  • Update on L.

    Thank you for your prayers for L.. As most of you know, L. is an employee of TWR in Benin who was driving home last week and had an accident with a motorcycle that killed the driver of the motorcycle.  In Benin it is normal procedure when there is an accident with a fatality for the driver to remain in police custody until the police are assured the family of the deceased will not seek revenge and until the innocence of the driver can be established. Because of this L. spent four days in police custody and then another three days in prison (jails and prisons in developing nations are less then ideal). It was a hard week on L., his family and the team here in Benin. While it was a hard week, we also saw God’s hand moving and L. had many opportunities to share about his faith and the work of TWR.

    We are praising God that the family of the deceased has accepted this as an accident and that yesterday (22 Oct. 2009) L. was declared innocent in the accident and released. Last night was a joyous reunion with L., his family and friends. In addition we are praising God that the insurance company is paying for the damages involved in the accident.

    Thanks again for your prayers in this situation. Please continue in prayer for the family of the man who was killed; he had a wife and two children. Also for L. and his family as they process these events. Pray for the team here in Benin as some are exhausted after the many long hours working through all the cultural and legal details.

    Grace & Peace — Paul

  • Car Accident

    On Thursday afternoon (Oct. 15, 2009) L., an employee of TWR in Benin, was going home from the transmitting site in his personal car when he was involved in an accident with a motorcycle in Parakou. L. was uninjured but the person on the motorcycle was killed. Through God’s divine providence and timing Pastor M. (a prominent pastor here in Benin) was able to intervene at the scene of the accident and with the police while I was able to comfort L. shortly after the accident. While L. is uninjured, he is very shaken up by the accident.

    Please pray for the family of the person who was killed, for L., for legal details of the accident (which are not as cut and dry here as they are in the US) and for God’s continued providence. Also, thank God for His divine providence and timing immediately after the accident.

    Grace & Peace — Paul

  • Meeting Update & Time With Nehemiah

    The meetings in Johannesburg went well. Everyone present was hoping to get a little further in developing our strategy but our praying, evaluating, learning, brainstorming and dreaming time together was very productive. Various people will be responsible for further developing what happened at our meeting to work toward a clear strategy, which we hope to finalize when I return to Johannesburg mid November.

    Thank you so much for your prayers for this meeting and please continue praying for those who will be working on this strategy in the coming weeks.

    After the meetings in Johannesburg I spent a few days with Nehemiah at Rift Valley Academy (RVA) in Kenya. Fortunately for me the cheapest route to Johannesburg at the moment is through Kenya so it was easy to extend my layover by a few days.

    My time with Nehemiah and at RVA was very encouraging. Nehemiah loves being at RVA. He cannot wait until his sisters join him there. All things considered he is doing great. I met with a number of people to get their perspective on how Nehemiah is doing and everyone agrees that he is doing well. (This is not to say that everything is perfect as there has been some and will be some ongoing normal adjustments as is expected.)

    Thanks for your prayers for our family as we have started this adventure of boarding school. Please keep praying for us as we continue to adjust to this new adventure.

    Grace & Peace — Paul

  • Kennedy Arrival & back to J’burg

    Praise be to God that the Kennedy family, our TWR colleagues in Benin, arrived safely in Benin after a short home assignment and holiday in the UK. We are incredibly grateful to have them back. They add a key element to the team.

    Currently I am in route to Johannesburg to help develop a strategic ministry plan. As I mentioned in my last blog, this strategic ministry plan will then drive our decisions, structures and budgets. This is the first of two meetings I will attend in Johannesburg in the next six weeks.

    Just as a point of clarification, the strategic ministry plan that we are developing deals with the specifics of how TWR Africa will accomplish the vision and mission of TWR. The vision of TWR is to reach the world for Christ so that lasting fruit is produced. The mission of TWR is summarized as assisting the church to make disciples of all peoples by proclaiming the gospel, instructing in biblical doctrine and working through partnerships. Visit www.twr.org for more information.

    Please pray that these meetings would be Spirit lead with unity, clear biblical reflection, wisdom, understanding and creative innovation. Also continue to pray that I would remain desperate for God and that He would give me wisdom in eliminating busyness and increasing true kingdom work.

    Grace & Peace — Paul

  • Three Praises and More Travel

    Thank you for your prayers. There are three distinct praises: One, God provided my wife and I tremendous peace and assurance as I left two sick girls. (See my wife’s A Journey of Joy blog “What Does One do?” for more on this.) Two, God opened my eyes to the busyness and confidence in my own abilities that has crept into my life and He has called me to desperation for Him. While I praise God for this revelation it has not been an easy revelation and your prayers are requested as I make needed changes. Three, Dr. Emmanuel Mbennah provided renewed vision and renewed direction for the ministry of TWR in the Africa region.

    Over the next few months the Africa region of TWR will be developing a strategic ministry plan. This strategic ministry plan will then drive our decisions, structures and budgets. I have been asked to join the team that is putting together this ministry plan and will return to J’burg two more times before the end of the year.

    Hence, I am writing from the airport at Nairobi on my way back to Benin. Once it became clear that I would need to return to J’burg this year. I felt it critical to skip a conference and some training in order to have adequate time with the Benin team before leaving again, not to mention time with a beautiful wife and two wonderful girls. I’ll spend a couple of days with my awesome son when I come back through Nairobi in a few weeks.

    Please praise God with me for what he has done and continue with me in prayers for the continent of Africa.

    Grace & Peace — Paul

  • Trouble before the trip

    If the amount of trouble before a trip is any indication of the significance of the trip, then my trip to South Africa will be very significant. Tomorrow (Saturday) I will leave Parakou to start my voyage to South Africa to hear about the new TWR leadership plan for Africa. Today both Micah Joy and Miriam started running a high fever with diarrhea, vomiting, and negative Malaria tests while yesterday Nehemiah went to the infirmary at boarding school with Malaria.

    We believe the timing of these illnesses is an attack; please pray foremost that God would be glorified in the midst of our circumstances. Pray for my time in South Africa as I will be participating in some key meetings, a conference and training. Pray for Donna as I leave her with sick children. As one dear friend pointed out that the Cox family will be on three corners of a very large continent. Pray that God would speed our reunion.

    Grace & Peace — Paul

  • Update and More Travel

    Thank you for your prayers. We are truly grateful for them. As far as we can tell, Nehemiah is doing well at RVA and enjoys being there. At this point it is harder on Donna and I than Nehemiah. While talking with him on Sunday we asked him if he was glad he made the choice to go and he said “Oh Yeah!”

    Unfortunately, I was unable to fix the problem at Voi that I mentioned in my last prayer blog. However, with God’s help, we were able to definitively identify the problems so that they can be fixed. Praise God for safe travels and for a successful rendezvous with Mrs. W in Nairobi. Also please continue to pray for those I mentioned in difficult situations. (See the previous prayer blog for more details.)

    Toward the end of this week I will once again be traveling. This time to South Africa at the request of Emmanuel Mbennah (TWR’s new international director for Africa) to hear his new leadership plans for the Africa region. Pray for Emmanuel as he finalizes his leadership plan and pray for the remainder of my week that I would have wisdom with my priorities and quality time with my family. During my time in South Africa I will also be attending the Africa by Radio conference, please pray for divine appointments during this conference.

    Grace & Peace — Paul

  • Kenya Update

    Friday afternoon (Aug 28) started a new adventure in the Cox family, especially for Nehemiah. On Friday afternoon I left Nehemiah at Rift Valley Academy (RVA) in Kenya. It was difficult for me to leave him. The Thursday and Friday morning before was a fantastic orientation time at RVA. Praise God for the wonderful orientation, pray for Nehemiah as he starts boarding school and pray for the rest of the family as they re-adjust.

    Since dropping Nehemiah off at boarding school I have been working with our national partner TWR Kenya on some technical issues. The most pressing is a Studio Transmitter Link in Voi (four hours SE of Nairobi). Pray that God would give wisdom and insight as we work on this link and safety while traveling.

    During my time in Nairobi God has providentially brought some people in difficult circumstances across my path. Pray for wisdom, grace, safety and the Spirit’s leading in these circumstances.

    Lord willing on Thursday (Sept 3) I will rendezvous with a new short term volunteer for Benin, Mrs. W, at the airport in Nairobi so we can travel to Benin together. Mrs. W. is from South Africa and will be helping TWR in Benin for three months. Pray that the rendezvous will be easy and pray for Mrs. W as she settles into life and ministry in Benin.

    Emmanuel Mbennah (the new international director for TWR Africa) has asked me to travel to South Africa on September 15 as he rolls out his leadership plan for the Africa region. This is a wonderful opportunity for me to go and hear first hand the new leadership structure under Dr. Mbennah. The down side is that I have been away from my family a tremendous amount the last few months. Pray that God would richly bless my time with Donna and the girls before I pack up again and pray for the new TWR leadership structure in the Africa region.

    Grace & Peace — Paul

  • Praise be to God, Sorrow and Goodbyes

    It was great to meet and spend time with Dr. Emmanuel Mbennah (the new TWR International Director for Africa) while he was in Benin. There were a number of things that struck me about Emmanuel: One, he is passionate about reaching those who do not know Christ. Two, he has a true heart of compassion for the poor and the suffering. Three, Emmanuel thinks and acts strategically. Please join me in thanking God for Emmanuel’s passion, compassion and intentionality and pray for Emmanuel as he leads the Africa region.

    This week the hand of our Lord was with us as we had a number of high-level meetings in Cotonou. Praise God that the meeting with the local TWR Benin board was a wonderful time of fellowship and corporation. Our meeting for the shortwave license was very positive, there are a number of procedural items for the licensing authority and a few details through which TWR must work before the license can be considered. Please pray for these items and details to be worked through quickly. Our NGO status is still in process but moving slower than anticipated. Pray that this process would be accelerated and would be without error.

    The tremendous joy of the success that God gave us with our meetings this week was overshadowed by the death of my Aunt G, who has been ill. While we rejoice that her suffering in this life has ended and that she is with our Lord, we mourn for our lost. Please pray for Aunt G’s family. (One the things that makes missionary life difficult is times like these when we cannot join our families to mourn together.)

    Next week I will take Nehemiah to boarding school in Kenya. Pray for us as we say goodbye and pray for Nehemiah as he enters a new stage in his life.

    Corrections: In my blog of August 10 there were a number of errors in the spelling of names. The correct spellings are as follows: Mr. Werner Kroemer, Dr. Emmanuel Mbennah and Rev. Abdoulaye Sangho.

    Grace & Peace — Paul