• Contrasts: the Great and the Difficult

    Errata: In my last blog I credited the lyrics to How He Loves to David Crowder. While David Crowder does sing this song, the lyrics were written by John Mark McMillan (2010) and recorded on his album The Medicine. Thanks to MC for pointing out my error and introducing me to a fantastic and profound album.

    Some of the great things for which we praise God are: The kind words of many people who have come to see us and expressed their thanks for what Donna and I have done in Benin. We asked you to pray about the selling of our vehicle and motorcycle. We are thankful they are sold. Our Benin church sent us off singing “Oui, oui, Dieu est avec toi,” which means “Yes, yes, God is with you.” This song was a tremendous encouragement to Donna and I.

    Also in my last blog I mentioned the reception of a container at the Benin Transmitting Station (BTS). This continues to be part of “the great.” A short video on the reception of the container is below.

    These great things are contrasted with the difficulty of our final week in Benin: We are saying good-bye to our friends and colleagues. There is the ongoing process of deciding what things are staying in Benin and packing the things that are going to Kenya. Also, in the last few days there have been some differences of opinion concerning the transition at BTS.

    Praise God with us for “the great” and pray for “the difficult.” In addition, please keep our Kenya work permit in your prayers along with all the parts of this transition (house, furnishing said house, car, unpacking, new job, etc…). May the adventure begin!

    If the video below does not play properly, please use this link: www.twrbenin.com/the-videos/container2013

    References Cited

    Mcmillan, JM 2010. How He Loves. The Medicine. New York: Integrity Music.

  • Encouragement

    When all of a sudden
    I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory
    and realize just how beautiful you are
    and how great your affections are for me.
    David Crowder

    When I think about how the Lord encourages me, I often wondered what moved the prophet Habakkuk from questioning God in chapters one and two to his great statement of faith in Habakkuk 3:17: Though the world around me fail, I will rejoice in the Lord. While the biblical text does not give us a clear answer as to how God moved Habakkuk, I am thankful that the Lord did, that Habakkuk penned verse 3:17 and that the Lord has recently encouraged me. (Bible scholars and theologians see note below.)

    Praise God with me for the encouragement that the Lord has given. Yesterday the Benin Transmitting Station received a container with two tractors, implements and tons of other goodies. It was lots of fun to unload (and lots of work). Picture below.

    Rejoice that we have made the decision to sell / give away most of our things, ship a few items via air cargo and start over in Kenya. Thank God that my PhD advisor likes my proposal. Pray that it finds the same favor with the Postgraduate Committee.

    Please continue to pray for the sell of our vehicle and my motorcycle here in Benin, we have a number of possible buyers. Pray that the Lord would give us wisdom in pricing so that the sell would be a blessing to the buyer and a demonstration of good stewardship on our part. Your prayers for our Kenya work permit, a house, car, church, place for Donna to serve with Kenyan children, etc… would also be appreciated. Lastly pray for us and our kids that we would transition and adjust well.

    Note to Bible scholars and theologians: I am aware that what moved Habakkuk was the theophany in chapter 3 verses 3-15 (I am further aware that some scholars disagree with the use of “theophany” when referring to Habakkuk). My question really revolves much more about how the theophany happened. Was it a vision? Was is a revelation from reading the Torah? Was it a Psalm or song that moved him? Was it something thing going right in the midst of chaos? Was it a bird singing on a fig-less tree? I somehow suspect that most, if not all of my questions, will become irrelevant once I see my savor face to face. Given that I have yet to see my savor face to face, at the present time, I want to have Habakkuk over for dinner once I am in heaven and ask.

  • Holidays, New Year and Moving

    First a huge thank you to all of you who replied to my “Discouragement” blog, all the replies were very encouraging. Perhaps someday I will share more about some of the unfinished items that are a discouragement.

    Those of you who know me well (especially those from my college years) are aware that Christmas is not my favorite holiday. I am thankful that here in Benin Christmas is not commercialized. I am also thankful that the kids are on Christmas break so that we are together as a family. This year the celebrations ended up distracting me from the reason for the celebration. (Please do not read into this that the problem was with the celebration. Donna worked very hard to have a simple and meaningful Christmas.) The struggle, at least for me, is to keep the reason for the celebration central in the midst of celebration preparation and activities.

    The other day I spent some time thinking and praying about 2014 and our up coming move. The one clear conclusion, in the midst of many unknowns, is that we need prayer.

    Please pray that we would quickly receive the information that we have requested concerning shipping items to Kenya. We have made many requests over the last few months and have little information. Your prayers for our work permits will be appreciated as well. Lastly, pray for our kids as they say their final goodbyes in the next few days.

  • Discouragement

    The past few weeks I have been pretty discouraged (and I have had a hard time finding the right words to express this discouragement and ask for prayer). There are many things for which I am thankful: our wonderful kids being home on break, the opportunity to move to Kenya, a beautiful wife who loves me (even when I am grumpy) and a great team to work with here in Benin. Praise God with me for these. While I am thankful, there are many unresolved issues burdening my heart, especially as I think about leaving Benin.

    Those of you who are long time readers of my blog, you know that there have been many things that we have prayed for over the years. You also know that some of these things have yet to come to a desirable ending. There are a couple of these things that weigh very heavy on my heart.

    Please pray for joy in the midst of unresolvedness. Pray for wisdom in which things to press forward and which things to leave. Pray for all the details of our move to Kenya.

  • Video Blog – Kenya Trip Update

    For this prayer blog I am trying a video blog. Please let me know if you would like to see more video blogs from time to time. (For those of you with limited Internet connectivity or those of you who are technically challenged a summary of the video is below.)

    There are two possible ways to watch this. One is to click on this link which will take you to the video on Vimeo: vimeo.com/thecoxfamily/2013-09vlog

    Two, if you see the video in the box below you can simply hit the play button in that box. If this does not work, go back to option one.

    Video Summary

    This video thanks prayer partners for their ongoing prayers. There is a short update explaining that things are going well in Kenya and requesting prayers for upcoming meetings. The following prayer request are also given: Donna in Benin with an empty nest. Donna starts teaching the Kennedy boys this week. Currently Sharon Diehl, the Director of the Africa Regional Support Services is visiting Benin. Lastly, there is the shortwave license and NGO process.

  • Catching Up

    Well the last month has been a whirlwind. In about a month’s time the Cox family received more visitors than we have in the last three years. It was great to have all of these visitors.

    In the middle of our visitors, Garth (our TWR colleague here in Benin) had to make an unplanned trip to South Africa because of a medical emergency with his sister. We praise God that his sister is better but she still has some significant medical challenges ahead. Your prayers for Garth, his sister and their families would be appreciated.

    Garth’s unexpected departure made an already busy time very crazy. Hence the last few weeks I have been playing catch up between my normal duties and Garth’s responsibilities. Your prayers continued prayers would be appreciated.

    In about a week and a half, our kids head back to Kenya. Donna and I are trying to squeeze the most out of the remaining time. When the kids go back I will travel with them as some testing is needed in Kenya and I have some meetings. Your prayers for the time with our kids will be appreciated.


  • Back to Reality

    Donna, Micah Joy and I got away for a breath of fresh air. Our time away was very good. As I mentioned in the last blog, we spent time with a pastor and his wife who have a ministry of encouragement to those who serve. Our time with them was very good to clarify where we have been and what lessons we have learned.

    We are very excited for the month of July. Nehemiah and Miriam arrive in a few days from Kenya. The day after Nehemiah and Miriam arrive a friend serving short term in Ghana will visit for a few days. During her visit some good friends from the States arrive for two weeks. A few days after our friends leave, a mission team from New Covenant Church in Albuquerque arrives to serve along side us. Now taking reservations for August at the Cox Bed and Breakfast.

  • Breath of Fresh Air

    In the last week and a half, two very encouraging things have happened: A showing of the Jesus Film under the mango tree and an Operation Christmas Child shoebox distribution to a very unreached community. More about these two events will be coming in our July newsletter.

    For the next two weeks, Donna, Micah Joy and I are getting a breath of fresh air. The last couple of months have been pretty hard. We are taking a little time out of Benin to get away, rest and seek the Lord. One week will be spent in a cottage by a beach. The other week will be spent with a pastor and his wife who have a ministry of encouragement to those who serve. Your prayers for rest and rejuvenation would be greatly appreciated.

  • Update on Communication Problem

    Donna and I greatly appreciate all of you who prayed for the meetings on the communication problem and who sent us emails and posts. Thank you.

    During the meetings there were some items resolved, there was some positive progress and there are some concrete actions steps to keep progress moving forward. Praise God with us for the positive progress and pray with us as discussion is put into action.

    I am excited for my time in Kenya with Nehemiah and Miriam. Give thanks to the Lord for this time that I have with them and pray that He blesses it.

  • Communication Problem and Kenya Trip

    In a couple of blogs I have mentioned a communication problem. Over the next three days there will be a number of meetings on this. Please fervently seek the Lord that a breakthrough can be made this week. I would even ask that maybe a few of you would fast and pray until Wednesday.

    Many thanks to those of you who contacted us about my last blog on our time of fasting and prayer. Your comments were a tremendous encouragement to us. Donna and I had hoped for a clear answer on how to better support our children. The Lord, in His sovereignty, did not give that answer. He did make clear that one option we had considered was not His will. Your on going prayers for how we better support our children would be appreciated.

    On the topic of supporting our children, I will be headed to Kenya toward the end of the week to spend 9 days with Nehemiah and Miriam. I am thankful to those of you who have contributed to this trip. Pray that the Lord would bless my time in Kenya.

    Please know how much Donna and I appreciate your prayers and support. Thank you so much for being on this journey with us.