There have been some discouragements in the area of writing and grading. Part of my role at ATS is to write some academic articles. One article that I believe has great potential is an analysis of a cross-cultural database based on guilt, shame, and fear. One discouragement is that I have been unable to contact the database owner concerning permissions.
Another discouragement is a higher than average percentage of students who plagiarized in my last two classes. There are cultural issues involved, and I try to show grace. Nonetheless, it is discouraging and frustrating.
There are two encouragements. Recently I ran a 50 kilometer (31 mile) ultra marathon. I trained and ran the marathon with minimal injuries (mainly blisters and some soreness on the top of my right foot). None of these slowed my training or marathon pace.
Currently, I am en route to Kenya for ATS graduation. Graduation is always an encouraging time of celebration for what God has accomplished in the lives of ATS students.
Praise God with me for a successful ultra marathon and the graduating students. Pray for patience and grace with my students who plagiarize, along with progress on permissions for the article.