En Route to Kenya

Paul at DFW

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I would be traveling to Kenya. Well, I am en route. I will be participating in graduation at Africa Theological Seminary (ATS). This will be a great graduation. Since last year’s graduation was canceled, we will be graduating two classes. In addition, on this trip I will be teaching Theology of Transformation.

ATS’ motto is: Training the Heart, Instructing the Mind, Empowering the Hand. The goal is not just passing knowledge to students but also transformation at the heart level. Early in moving to a hybrid online/inperson model ATS realized that certain courses should be wholly inperson classes so that adequate attention can be given to heart level change. Theology of Transformation was one of those courses that requires focus at the heart level.

Praise God with me for what He has done in the lives of the students graduating. Pray for my travels, graduation and that heart change would happen in my Theology of Transformation class.

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