Today I start my biannual migration to Kenya to teach classes at Africa Theological Seminary for six weeks. I will be teaching Major Prophets, Old Testament Biblical Theology and New Testament Biblical Theology. Pray that true spiritual growth, and not just the passing of knowledge, will take place.
Some of you have been praying for the publication of an article I wrote on Isaiah 61. By God’s grace, my article continues to find favor with an academic journal. Last week they sent me a typeset proof to review (one of the last steps, if not the last step, before publication). Praise be to God that progress continues. In addition to finding a number of mistakes that I made, some issues crept in during the typesetting process, especially with some of the phrases in Hebrew. Pray for the final proofing process.
Lastly, I love going to Kenya to teach. I do not like being away from my family for these extended periods. Pray for God’s grace to abound over the miles.
Paul at Dallas/Fort Worth airport starting his migration