My official title is Vice President Development. My job description says that I am to: “Raise awareness of the work at and encourage prayer for Africa Theological Seminary (ATS). Engage with and encourage people to financially support ATS.” While I have received coaching and guidance, this is new ground for me and I find myself often asking “what am I doing?” This feeling is compounded as our support is low. I ask myself, if I cannot raise enough support for myself, how am I to do this for ATS. Please pray that God’s grace would abound.
Micah Joy took a week off from her summer job at the Oklahoma State University library and spent some time with us, along with her dog Zane and guinea pig Fred. It was great to have all the Cox kids in one city at one time.
Back in February, I mentioned that one of my writing projects was turning a reflection on Isaiah 61 into an article. By God’s grace, this article has moved forward toward publication. A journal asked for revisions and given that the revisions are acceptable, they plan to publish the article. Praise God that this article is moving forward. Pray that it would continue to find favor and eventually be something that would bless the body of Christ.