The Good: We are thankful that one of the steps required to get TWR’s NGO status here in Benin has been submitted to the Benin government. Praise be to God that one of the government officials was kind and helpful so that the paperwork could be submitted in a timely way.
The Bad: At the transmitting site we have a smaller generator that provides power during the day (you will remember we only broadcast at night and early morning when AM has a much longer range and we have large generators for broadcasts). The failure was in the control panel and could be costly to replace.
The Ugly: It appears that some of our paper work from six years ago when we imported a container has been lost / misplaced and now TWR has been requested to pay duty on this container. I hope and pray that once copies of the paper work are resubmitted that this will be easily resolved. Pray that this is so.
In addition to this unpleasantry, there have been a number of power spikes here in Parakou. During one we measured the voltage at 380 volts rather than the normal 220 volts. As a result two team members lost laptop power supplies. (One of which way my power supply. As I write my laptop is jerry-rigged to a bench power supply.) We praise God that this is all that was damaged but it has been inconvenient.
The Late: Please forgive that I have not blogged much. The pass few months have been very busy and I always seem to be late. Back in February I asked for prayer concerning a communication problem. Some days I feel this problem is moving forward and being resolved. Other days I feel like one step forward and two steps back. This has taken a good amount of time and energy and it is a significant contributing factor to being behind. Your continued prayers for this problem and lateness would be appreciated. Speaking of lateness, I am a bit behind on a research proposal draft submission for my PhD, pray that this is completed quickly.