Arrived Safely in Benin

Many thanks to everyone who prayed for my trip; it was wonderfully uneventful. There was a joyous reunion with Donna, who surprised me by coming to Cotonou to welcome me home. (Cotonou, where the airport is located, is a seven to nine hour drive from Parakou, where we live.) It has been good to see Micah Joy, old colleagues, new colleagues and the team in Benin.

Your prayers will be appreciated as I jump back into life and work here in Benin. There are a number of issues on which I will be focusing: the communication problem I mentioned in my last blog, the Non Government Organization (NGO) process and the short wave license. Your continued prayers for these would be greatly appreciated.

(For the new comers to my blog, TWR is attempting to get its NGO status in Benin. This would be equivalent to getting 501(c)3 non-profit status in the USA. Also, TWR is trying to get a short wave license that will allow us to reach more people with the gospel).

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