Mountaintop High / Valley Low

In life there is a pattern of mountaintop high experiences followed by valley low challenges. This pattern is seen in Scriptures, in history and has recently been our experience.

Our time visiting churches and reconnecting with friends and supporters has been a mountaintop high. We cannot begin to describe how revitalized, uplifted and supported we have felt. We have been encouraged by the growth and depth we have seen in many of the churches that we have visited. We are greatly encouraged that New Covenant Church in Albuquerque is planning a mission’s trip to West Africa including a team coming to Benin. We are also excited that some close friends are planning their first trip to Benin to see us.

Our descent from the mountaintop began with Donna’s surgeries. While we praise God that they went well and Donna’s recovery is still going well, they took a lot out of both patient and care giver. Because of this I was unable to start my study sabbatical in December. At this point, we are unsure of all the implications of the delayed start with my sabbatical. In addition, we recently heard from Benin that due to some complications a key deadline was missed in the NGO process. What made this news even more discouraging was that the deadline was missed while some were focused on other issues.

At this point it is unknown whether the missed deadline will result in having to redo much of what was done just before we left Benin or if our colleagues can get an exception from the government of Benin. Your prayers for this would be appreciated.

I have already had my little rant with God demanding why He would let some complications cause a missed deadline with the NGO process. As usual, God was very gracious and kind and did not judge me too harshly for my rant.

Praise God with us for the mountaintop, the valley and His graciousness during my rant. Pray for our colleagues who are working on the NGO process. Pray for us as we work through the delayed start of my study sabbatical and start preparing to return to Benin.

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