My friends and I have been having discussions (some in person and some via email) on joy in the Lord, contentment in the Savior and rest in God. We have all commented on how elusive these can be, both for Christians in general and for us personally. Most unfortunately, of recent my life has been marked with a lack of joy rather than the fruit of the Spirit. Our discussions have revolved around ideas of faith, trust, letting go, letting God, dying to self and living to the Spirit. Must of these concepts I like and embrace both intellectually and emotionally. However, the dying to self is the one I most resist. When I read the biblical text the violent language used goes against my sensibilities: crucify the sinful nature, die to self, mortify the deeds of the body, I am crucified with Christ, the sinful nature and Spirit are in conflict, lose your life for My sake, etc…. Although if I understand the biblical text correctly, the road to joy requires crucifixion. Please pray that I would be crucified for joy.
I know that my last blog asking people to pray and fast did not give many of you sufficient warning. Although I am thankful some of you were able to quickly adjust and once again join TWR in concentrated prayer for these issues. As of yet, there have not been any breakthroughs. Your continued prayers would be appreciated.
Next week (Oct 24-27, 2011) is the Africa International Partners Conference (AIPC) for TWR in Johannesburg. Pray that God would direct and use AIPC for His glory and the advancement of His kingdom. I have been requested to lead the devotions for this conference. Please pray that God’s word would pierce me as I prepare and lead the devotions. Please pray that God’s word would do the same for the participants.
The following week the Regional Management Team for TWR Africa will be meeting in Johannesburg. Please pray that as a team we would clearly discern the Lord’s leadings and act in obedience.
Donna will be “home alone” (see her blog for the next two weeks with me in Johannesburg and the kids at RVA in Kenya. Please pray for her.
Thanks for your prayers.