Pre-prayer Preparation

Over the past year and a half there have been a number of repeated prayer requests: the shortwave license to be granted, Non-Government Organization (NGO) status to be given, a title deed for the land in Parakou and more harvesters for Benin. We are grateful for all who have prayed for these. Thanks!

In thinking and praying about these situations it has been decided to ask our entire support team for concentrated fasting and prayer on these issues, and others, during the week of February 27 – March 6 culminating with concentrated prayer during the weekend of March 5 – 6. This will be the focus of our February prayer letter, both the email version and print version that goes to the entire mailing list. (Please note that these prayer updates only go to a small subset of the email list and via the prayer blog.)

I would entreat your prayers that the February prayer letter would move the hearts of many to fast and pray. Pray that there would not be problems with delivery, people would read the information and then take the time to fast and pray during the week of February 26 – March 6.

It is possible that some of you would consider helping to communicate and motivate fasting and prayer amongst your friends and at your church. Perhaps some would consider organizing a prayer meeting the weekend of March 5 – 6. Please seek if the Lord would lead you to help.

In addition, please pray for RVA that had a flu outbreak (our kids have not been sick), an RVA student with a serious medical condition, the TWR staff in Ivory Coast and the TWR contingency plans for the Ivory Coast should civil war breakout.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

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