Three Major Fronts

It appears to me that now is the time to intercede and pray for Benin. There is significant movement on three major fronts for TWR here in Benin: One, a TWR shortwave license for Benin; Two, NGO status for TWR in Benin and three, the title deed for the new property in Parakou for an office and housing.

We have been gathering documents and information for the Benin government concerning our shortwave license and we are hoping to deliver a packet of information to them on Thursday (Dec 16, 2010). Please pray for the final preparations of this packet. Also, we have had a hard time securing some desired meetings; please pray we are able to schedule the needed meetings or accomplish the desired outcomes via another means (letters, phone, email, miracle, etc…)

The documents from the US for the NGO status arrived, have been translated and were submitted to the Benin government. However, the Benin government is requiring certain documents that do not exist in the American system. Pray for wisdom as we seek a solution.

The process of getting a title deed (which can take a couple of years here in Benin) for the new property in Parakou has been waiting on the city of Parakou to complete and publically announce a survey, which the city finally finished. Pray for us as we move forward with the next steps in this process. Most unfortunately this process is full of people who are looking for a quick buck, pray also for God’s protection from these people.

Pray for the team here in Benin. All of the Benin staff have been and will continue to be working hard on the issues, some directly involved and others covering the normal functions of those directly involved. Those who have been following the prayer blog will recall that Benin desperately needs a broadcast engineer, without this key person onboard and with many team members focused on administrative tasks there is the danger of lacking technical margin for broadcast emergencies. Pray for God’s grace to abound.

To add to all of the above I came down with Malaria and spent a couple of days in bed when I really felt I needed to be working on these things and I am still not back to 100%. Perhaps this is God’s way of bringing me to a deeper dependence on Him rather than relying on my over esteemed ability. Pray that I would continue to learn dependence on and obedience to Him.

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