For those of you who follow the world news closely, you are aware that there has been significant flooding in Benin. We are very appreciative of all who have called or emailed to check on us. By God’s grace we are fine and dry. My wife has blogged about this and you can read more on the Family Blog:
Thank you so much for praying for my trip to Cotonou. You will remember I was hoping to meet with various people to follow up with TWR’s NGO status and short wave license application. Both meetings ended up being more than just follow up.
While following up on the NGO status I discovered some missing paper work. This paper work requires documents from the US government. It will probably take four to six weeks to gather all of this documentation. Pray that this process goes quickly.
My meeting about the short wave license concluded with a recommendation that TWR have a high level meeting with a government official. Currently we are trying to secure this meeting and coordinate calendars between this official and the TWR leadership who will need to be present. Pray that all of these details can be worked out.
Next week we will be involved with SIM’s Spiritual Life Conference. We are really looking forward to hearing God’s word and worshipping in English. It is also encouraging to visit with other missionaries we do not see often. There should be about 20 children of all ages so you can imagine Miriam’s excitement. Joy, Donna’s sister, will be here to lead the worship time. Please pray for spiritual refreshment for the Togo and Benin missionaries that are attending.