Praise God we Have First Title Deed!

After much prayer, effort, time and energy, TWR has the title deed to the transmitting site. While all the legalities of the title deed still needs to be double checked, it looked correct to me with my very limited understanding of legal French. Please note that this is the first of two title deeds TWR needs. The second property for houses and offices is still in the beginning stages of the title deed process.

Currently I am writing from South Africa where I am receiving management training this week and attending regional management meetings next week. Your prayers for the training and meetings would be appreciated.

Donna was in Kenya for 11 days to get Micah Joy settled at Rift Valley Academy and returned on September 4.  A week later (September 11) I left for South Africa, where I will be for two weeks. Please pray for our time apart.

Another significant praise is that during a meeting on the day I left for South Africa it was suggested that I meet with a particular organization to solicit their help with our application for NGO status with the Benin government. As I was flying out of Cotonou I providentially ran into one of the key leaders of this organization. She was enthusiastic about the possibility of helping TWR.  Praise God with me for this providential encounter.

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