Burdened by what is not and hopeful of what will, by God’s power, be.

Normally when I walk I head North on a road/path and walk by where Miriam goes to school. The other morning I wanted a change of pace and headed South on some small roads/paths. On my 20-minute walk I passed two fetishes, one talisman and two mosques.

I was burden that the gospel has yet to impact many of the people within a 20-minute walking radius of my home. I was further burdened by the tremendous spiritual and physical needs of Benin and of West Africa. I was reminded of all the outstanding issues on my plate with TWR (shortwave license, NGO status, housing project, title deed, open positions for an engineer and mechanic here in Benin, etc…). My desire was to do more.

For the next weeks I pondered how I could do more and just how much effect it would have if I added an extra 30 minutes or hour here or there to my schedule. I started feeling quite depressed by the overwhelming need and lack of resources (especially missionaries here in Benin). At some point in time, that I cannot pin point, during the weeks of my reflection a warmth of hope started slowly growing in my heart. It started as a small spark that I did not notice; by God’s power and grace it was kindled and slowly grew until hope’s warmth was unmistakable. This warmth reminded me that as Christians we are people of hope. Hope, not in what we can do, but in what God can. Hope that the Sovereign King of the universe will, one day, bring His creation into glorious freedom. While I remain burdened by what is not, I have a burning hope of what will be.

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