There are many ways to get involved with what God is doing through Africa Theological Seminary (ATS) via Paul and Donna.
The first and most important is prayer. Prayer is the real work of ministry. While many things can happen with human effort, supernatural transformation is a work of God for which His people must pray. To this end, we covet your prayers for ATS, its students, and us. Our latest prayer requests can be found on our blog.
Sometimes ministry and life are hard and we all can use some encouragement. It is a real encouragement when people drop us an email sharing what is happening in their lives, recounting a funny story, or saying that they are praying for us. Likewise, if you have a prayer request let us know. We would love to pray about it and encourage you.
There is no better way to get involved than to put your boots on the ground. From time to time we will have mission teams and individuals travel to Kenya and work with us. This is a great way to get involved. Let us know if you would like to come.
We cannot work in Kenya and support ATS in the USA without people like you who give financially. By giving, you are helping us to train the next generation of leaders for Africa. If you are interested in giving, please contact us.